Want to put on an event where you want wine or beer served?

Submitter must review District Board Policy 7.14 and Administrative Procedure 7.14P prior to initiating this request.

Both forms must be filled out completely before being sent to the President’s Office for Signature Routing and Approval of Request and License. This form should be submitted at least one month prior to event, however with no fewer than 15 days remaining to allow all signatures to be obtained.

  1. SRJC Wine or Beer Service Request Form
  2. State of California Daily License Application (ABC-221 (form; instructions))

How to fill out:

SRJC Wine or Beer Service Request Form

  1. Provide all the details of your event as specifically as possible.
    1. Your organization
    2. Name of event
    3. Type of event
    4. Date, time, and location of the event
    5. Contact information of the Coordinator of the event
  2. Mark which provision your event falls under in which wine or beer is requested
    1. Instruction based Wine or Beer
      1. Shone Farm beer or wine used in a viticulture or enology program
      2. Beer or wine is in connection to a course, and the person in charge of the class has been authorized to be a Designated Coordinator
      3. Wine or beer is consumed only in connection to a course as part of a culinary arts program
    2. Non-profit fundraiser
    3. Special Event
      1. Held at an SRJC facility and open to the members of the public or invited guests. Not a student event.
      2. Held at Shone farm and is sponsored by SRJC or SRJC Foundation
      3. Held at an SRJC facility, and no students are allowed in the facility while the event occurs.
  3. Describe your event to support why your event falls under the provision.
  4. Describe why wine or beer should be present at your event.
  5. Describe the precautions you will take in storing the alcohol prior to the event.
  6. Coordinator signs the form, prints, and dates. Please note, a wet signature is required on the forms, please sign in blue ink.

State of California Daily License

  1. Complete Sections 1, 2, and 3 accurately and completely.
  2. Do not sign any of the Signature spaces in section 4

Route the forms for signature

                 Now that you have both forms filled out, send them both to the President’s Office, where they will be reviewed and routed for appropriate wet signatures. The local ABC office will notify you when your license has been approved.